Getting Started With Chef

A little over a year ago I was plugging through setting up another OpenCycleMap server. I knew what needed installing, and I'd done it many times before, but I suspected that there was a better way than having a terminal open in one screen and my trusty installation notes in the other.

Previously I'd taken a copy of my notes, and tried reworking them into something resembling an automated installation script. I got it to the point where I could work through my notes line-by-line, pasting most of them into the terminal and checking the output, with the occasional note requiring actual typing (typically when I was editing configuration files). But to transform the notes into a robust hands-off script would have been a huge amount of work - probably involving far too many calls to sed and grep - and making everything work when it's re-run or when I change the script a bit would be hard. I suspected that I would be re-inventing a wheel - but I didn't know which wheel!

The first thing was to figure out some jargon - what's the name of this particular wheel? Turns out that it's known as "configuration management". The main principle is to write code to describe the server setup, rather than running commands. That twigged with me straight away - every time I was adding more software to the OpenCycleMap servers I had this sinking feeling that I'd need to type the same stuff in over and over on different servers - I'd prefer to write some code once, and run that code over and over instead. The code also needs to be idempotent - i.e. it doesn't matter how many times you run the code, the end result is the same. That's about the sum of what configuration management entails.

There's a few open-source options for configuration management, but one in particular caught my eye. Opscode's Chef is ruby-based, which works for me since I do a fair amount of ruby development and it's a language that I enjoy working with. And chef is also what the OpenStreetMap sysadmins use to configure their servers, so having people around who use the same system would simply be a bonus.

What started off as a few days effort turned into a massive multi-week project as I learned chef for the first time, and plugged through creating cookbooks for all the components of my server. It was a massive task and took much longer than I'd initially expected, but 18 months on it was clearly worth it - I'd have never been able to run enough servers for all the styles I have now, nor been able to keep up with the upgrades to the software and hardware without it. It's awesome.

So here's some tips, for those who have their own servers and are in a similar position to what I was.

I'll be writing more about developing and testing cookbooks in the future - it's a whole subject in itself!

This post was posted on 19 November 2012 and tagged chef, opencyclemap